When I left the house, my wife often put a shopping list in my hands. I asked her, to enter it into the iPhone. She said that she would only do so if it would be easier and faster than writing this list.
And so I coded this little program. If Im already on the way, my wife sends me a text message with the missing things.
There is a Memo view and a Catalog view (File icon). If something is missing You should write it to the Memo touching green text. Simultaneously the Memo text will be written to the Catalog automatically. So You do not need write memos twice. Click the position will strike it through and vice versa. Double-tapping clears the position on the Memo list. All positions of the Memo get a hook in the Catalog. If a hook is set, this position appears on the Memo view.
Tap on the letter below to the right produces a text message with the items of the Memo list.
All entered items are saved in the catalog. Tapping is a hook set and vice versa. If a hook is set, this position appears on the Memo view. Double-tapping clears the position on the Catalog list. A tip of the bucket clears all positions.